




While his way remained 30 meters to the hill, the tassels came alive.
In 10 meters, they started to shake, as if there was a tornado was forming inside. As he ran, the reflection of hill on Mr. writer's eyes came bigger and bigger, like a huge beast waving thousands of hands toward him.

Strangely, Mr. writer had no intention to slow down or stop. He's getting closer and closer until one step away, and at the very moment, tassels were all tamed down and opened an entrance for him. Mr. writer was too nervous to keep eyes open and stepped his right foot upon it, then the other. Almost in the same time, the tassels quietly closed again, brought him deep inside……Not a sound was heard by anyone.

KuKu rushed home when others were still in shock. She jumped up the cage to her attic, and grabbed a telescope looking into it to search Mr. writer. Sinking in the tassels, only Mr. writer's head was visible on the lens, which looked like a dumpling floating upon black ink.
