



“Get yourself ready? Mr. writer!” Mayor yelled from stage.
“I think so.”
“Do you see the red flag over there?”
“Good! After you get into the…hill, remember to keep your eyes on it! Just run to the direction, where is the exit.”
“According to calculation, five hours are necessary to go through the hill. Now is seven o'clock, for your personal safety's sake, I highly recommend you get out by twelve at noon since there remain 10 km to finish the whole run. Um…besides, you are our only one writer, we surely don't want to lose a noble man like you… ” captured by horrible thoughts, mayor was speechless for couple minutes then said “Oh! Don't you worry! We all will greet you on the exit then!”
“That's comforting.” Mr. writer nodded.
“After this, we would like to throw a party for you.”
“I'm sure you will have a great story to tell by then, uh?”
“Excellent!”“Three, Two, Bang!” All of a sudden, Mayor shot the gun. Mr. writer shivered by shock then stumbled along to the hill. Everyone stared at his back heading into the black hole of universe.
