


"Did you practice math today?" the mother asked at the dining table.
"Sure! Hey what happened? Why mayor assembled everyone? "KuKu asked.
"It's not children's business!"

"We children have right to know." KuKu wouldn't give up.
"Okey, Mr. writer is going to run across Black Tassel Hill." the father followed up the subject.
"What? "the little girl cried out.
"They rearranged the running length of Marathon, it'll go straight to the hill. No one dare to run by now, only Mr. writer! You know he's out of mind! " the father keep saying.
"God! I can't imagine what would he encounter."
"Neither do us! "
"No human being have ever entered the hill, but animals have." KuKu made this statement while her mom leaved, but her dad heard it.

"Animals? Really? I've thought no living creature would get close to there!"
"Some of them would! A flamingo flew into it yesterday afternoon."
"No kidding? We have no flamingo here! Those birds live in the tropics. I don't think you study very hard on geography ! " old daddy said.
"No, I did see it!"
"Children are not allowed to lie. "

"I'm not lying!"
"Go upstairs as soon as you finish your food!" The mother, whose patience was as less as the beans in the soup, finally ended the coversation by giving an order!
