




It's getting dark, and the day was passing, while Mr. writer still didn't run out of the hill. People were becoming increasingly worried about him. Finally, seven strongest men in town took determination to seek after Mr. writer. With homemade weapons, flashlights, and batteries, they assembled in front of the hill, where also the back yard of house of KuKu's family.

KuKu's father, who hesitated about joining the search team, kept walking back and forth, rubbing his hands, and pushing his slipped glasses back to where it should stay. KuKu's mother, who took her nap, suddenly made a thunder-like snore, which totally frightened her husband and made him drop a flashlight to the floor. It rolled outside the door until one of the seven men's feet stopped it, and he picked it up.
“It…it might help.” said KuKu's father embarrassedly.
“Thanks! Pal.” The man smiled and tapped the old man on the shoulder.
Old daddy went home with delight of being helpful.

“Guys! It's five now. Let's make sure our watches are on the same time! Cause we gotta out of the hill exactly by seven. Or it would be too dark to search, even the light of flashlights would be eaten by darkness. ” said the chief of the team. Then all of them stared down at their own watches and wound up the tiny clockworks.The chief took his first step upon the black bump on earth, but the tassels stayed quiet this time, without shacking at all. Therefore, seven men, one by one, fearfully and silently went into the hill.






While his way remained 30 meters to the hill, the tassels came alive.
In 10 meters, they started to shake, as if there was a tornado was forming inside. As he ran, the reflection of hill on Mr. writer's eyes came bigger and bigger, like a huge beast waving thousands of hands toward him.

Strangely, Mr. writer had no intention to slow down or stop. He's getting closer and closer until one step away, and at the very moment, tassels were all tamed down and opened an entrance for him. Mr. writer was too nervous to keep eyes open and stepped his right foot upon it, then the other. Almost in the same time, the tassels quietly closed again, brought him deep inside……Not a sound was heard by anyone.

KuKu rushed home when others were still in shock. She jumped up the cage to her attic, and grabbed a telescope looking into it to search Mr. writer. Sinking in the tassels, only Mr. writer's head was visible on the lens, which looked like a dumpling floating upon black ink.




“Get yourself ready? Mr. writer!” Mayor yelled from stage.
“I think so.”
“Do you see the red flag over there?”
“Good! After you get into the…hill, remember to keep your eyes on it! Just run to the direction, where is the exit.”
“According to calculation, five hours are necessary to go through the hill. Now is seven o'clock, for your personal safety's sake, I highly recommend you get out by twelve at noon since there remain 10 km to finish the whole run. Um…besides, you are our only one writer, we surely don't want to lose a noble man like you… ” captured by horrible thoughts, mayor was speechless for couple minutes then said “Oh! Don't you worry! We all will greet you on the exit then!”
“That's comforting.” Mr. writer nodded.
“After this, we would like to throw a party for you.”
“I'm sure you will have a great story to tell by then, uh?”
“Excellent!”“Three, Two, Bang!” All of a sudden, Mayor shot the gun. Mr. writer shivered by shock then stumbled along to the hill. Everyone stared at his back heading into the black hole of universe.





Finally came the Marathon day run!
Flags waved in the sky, and people gathered around the starting line, even KuKu sneaked in the crowd to watch and wait.
Wearing all sporty suits, Mr. writer arrived on time. He looked neither spirited nor listless, just as usual.
To warm up his body, he began doing some exercise. But surrounded by the whole village residents, he's more like a circus monkey performing a trick than a hero preparing for a task.

Right, left, right, left! Mr. writer lifted both legs alternately.
Inhale, exhale, Inhale, exhale…at the same time, a complicated expression showed on his face like he's about to run into the black hole in universe in a very short future.




5/15 蟒蛇  


5/31 *馬拉松日 作家先生

Riding on the birdcage, KuKu was back to her garret which had the nearest window to the Black Tassel Hill.
Everyday, she opened the window and looked through a telescope at the hill. Therefore, she knew something really secret which no one ever had chance to know.
Wait! You want to know why this little girl didn’t go to school but spend all day spying on the hill? The answer is easy to guess! People do not appreciate difference, the over-sized mole on cheek did frustrated KuKu’s school days.
Thus parents let her do self-study at home. In the beginning of every semester, Dad was responsible for bringing back new textbooks and notebooks.
To pick up the right notebook, you could discover the secrets.

Visitors to the hill in May
5/5 a turtle
5/15 a python
5/19 a sperm whale
5/25 a flamingo
5/26 a poster?

An unusual feeling had hit her mind as witnessing the tassels grab down the poster. According to KuKu’s personal report, Black Tassel Hill never attack anything, but they did today. What’s more awful was Mr. writer, a human being, was going run into it! KuKu shook head as to get rid of this thought and dropped a line on the notebook.

5/31 (Marathon Day) Mr. writer




"Did you practice math today?" the mother asked at the dining table.
"Sure! Hey what happened? Why mayor assembled everyone? "KuKu asked.
"It's not children's business!"

"We children have right to know." KuKu wouldn't give up.
"Okey, Mr. writer is going to run across Black Tassel Hill." the father followed up the subject.
"What? "the little girl cried out.
"They rearranged the running length of Marathon, it'll go straight to the hill. No one dare to run by now, only Mr. writer! You know he's out of mind! " the father keep saying.
"God! I can't imagine what would he encounter."
"Neither do us! "
"No human being have ever entered the hill, but animals have." KuKu made this statement while her mom leaved, but her dad heard it.

"Animals? Really? I've thought no living creature would get close to there!"
"Some of them would! A flamingo flew into it yesterday afternoon."
"No kidding? We have no flamingo here! Those birds live in the tropics. I don't think you study very hard on geography ! " old daddy said.
"No, I did see it!"
"Children are not allowed to lie. "

"I'm not lying!"
"Go upstairs as soon as you finish your food!" The mother, whose patience was as less as the beans in the soup, finally ended the coversation by giving an order!





The empty birdcage slowly went up as the husband pulled a rope, few minutes later it landed the ground within a little girl. Obviously, the cage was a replacement of stair in this narrow house! A light-haired girl came out off it as fast as a fox jump up to her usual place at the dining table.

Lamp lighted up three faces. Mother had a moon face, Father had an old face, and KuKu, the daughter, had a pale face with a harsh spot, like someone had have splashed her face with black ink.