




Evening, Mayor was trying all effort to make a statement on stage.

“There's no need for him to yell at all. Anyway, there are only twenty-five person, eight dogs, and three goldfishes in town…” Mr. writer thought.
“Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, something was wrong with Marathon…”
“What's going on?” the crowd raised an uproar.
“Um…there's a mistake about the running length, so we have to change the route across…”
“Across what? Across what?” “Bow-wow! ” even dogs were getting nervous.
“Um…the thing is…we have to across the Black Tassel Hill…” last four words were fading out.

Everyone's face became pale, dogs lopped ears, and goldfishes put faces in their fins when hearing the scary name.
“Come on! Everyone! It is the annual Marathon! The most important thing in town! You got to be brave!” he tried hard to encourage the frightened public.

Among the silent crowd, a hand raised up with a sentence “I'll go!” That's the voice of Mr. writer. Mayor seemed to be very happy to hear that!
“Wonderful! Mr. writer! It's very decent of you to make such a brave decision, not afraid of obstacles, and to run for hometown honor!” he said it in an affected way.“Come on up! Young man, take the running suit from my hand. You are definitely deserved the number one!”
