


“Oh…those wives, they are so pathetic…”said KuKu's mom.
“Exactly…”responded her dad.
“And the entire thing is just terrifying! They were even caught away by the cruel government minister. God knows when would they be sent back?”
“The government took them away?” asked KuKu.
“Um huh! All about the pillars.” dad sniffed.
“They need something really tough to clean the dirty palace pillars. Unfortunately, the tassels do strong enough. Thank god your father isn't that stupid getting involved with it, or he would be dead meat.”
“Yeah…That was close.”
“Oh. No! You did think about that.”
“Nope. Of course not! Come on.”
At the moment, KuKu started wondering what kind of cursed tassel would she get under arms if she were one of the poor ladies.
