



Walking on the dark damp ground made their footsteps sound muffled. Without preparation, they were enveloped in a stinky mist which smelled exactly like human armpit! Seven men covered their noses with hands immediately, but one’s hand trapped by flashlight stripe and he breathed in the air. His cheeks plumped and face turned red. Although trying very hard to hold the breath, he coughed out eventually. The others turned back toward him and put hands over his mouth in a hurry. The chief placed his first finger upon lips with a frowned face to warn them against making noises.

As the search team moved on, the tassels turned with hardly-noticed angles to follow them as if there were eyes on their pointed ends. The one who had just choked earlier paid more attention than others on environment and he suspected the tassels were staring behind their back. But when turning back, he found them stayed untouched.
“I can confirm this if I walk backwards in disguise.” he thought to himself but gave up soon, because he could imagine what they might say ”Don’t be silly! It’s just wind blowing. ” As time went by, neither cheers nor wails burst out, only seven hearts beat in different frequency. Of course, no one could hear the heartbeats bumping against their chests, except the monster.
