



The wives asked their husbands to cut off the horrible underarm tassels, but once they were cut off, immediately growing up lots of new ones instead. They even fetch a doctor to check these hairy patients, but the doctor said “Sorry, there is nothing I can do.” The husbands could do nothing, either, but accepting the harsh blames, then finally they went to Mayor’s tower for seeking help. Knitting his brows through the whole story, Mayor made a long-distance call in the room, then went back to them with an announcement
”Gentlemen, government’s department of health will take charge of this …disaster. ”
”How they gonna do?”
”Um…they did not mention on the phone.”
”Oh… when they gonna take action?”
”Person in charge will be sent here this afternoon.”
”Okey….”the husbands remained in doubt and headed home.
