


As a matter of fact, Mr. writer had have left Black Tassel Hill already.
When did he…? Let's back to the midnight where search team withdrew from the hill. In darkness, the tassels shook with the sound “za~za~za~” and split out a little old man on earth. There were at least one hundred wrinkles deeply tied up on his face, hands and legs, making him incredible old. Sitting on the ground for a while, he moved limbs and head slightly, like he was making sure that he was back to living world and tried very hard to remember where shall he return. And then, he slowly stood up walking toward the snoring village houses.




“Oh…those wives, they are so pathetic…”said KuKu's mom.
“Exactly…”responded her dad.
“And the entire thing is just terrifying! They were even caught away by the cruel government minister. God knows when would they be sent back?”
“The government took them away?” asked KuKu.
“Um huh! All about the pillars.” dad sniffed.
“They need something really tough to clean the dirty palace pillars. Unfortunately, the tassels do strong enough. Thank god your father isn't that stupid getting involved with it, or he would be dead meat.”
“Yeah…That was close.”
“Oh. No! You did think about that.”
“Nope. Of course not! Come on.”
At the moment, KuKu started wondering what kind of cursed tassel would she get under arms if she were one of the poor ladies.









The wives asked their husbands to cut off the horrible underarm tassels, but once they were cut off, immediately growing up lots of new ones instead. They even fetch a doctor to check these hairy patients, but the doctor said “Sorry, there is nothing I can do.” The husbands could do nothing, either, but accepting the harsh blames, then finally they went to Mayor’s tower for seeking help. Knitting his brows through the whole story, Mayor made a long-distance call in the room, then went back to them with an announcement
”Gentlemen, government’s department of health will take charge of this …disaster. ”
”How they gonna do?”
”Um…they did not mention on the phone.”
”Oh… when they gonna take action?”
”Person in charge will be sent here this afternoon.”
”Okey….”the husbands remained in doubt and headed home.





Next morning, a long loud scream rent the silence, waking up the town from its dream.
It was a shout of a woman. And it was followed by another scream.
Then the second scream was followed by the third, the forth, the fifth, the sixth, and the final seventh.

All the town people and dogs and goldfishes woke up now! They followed the sound and found it coming from the houses of seven search team members. To everyone's surprise, it was the tassels under their wives' arms overgrowing in the midnight that resulted in the breathtaking screams. Those ladies stood on bedside, buried tearful faces in hands, and blamed their husbands for offending the hill evil. The bushy tassels of each of them went all way down to the floor shivering up and down as if they were laughing when the ladies sobbed in grief.





A piece of huge dark velvet covered the sky precisely in seven of the evening, no more daylight could they depend on then, even the flashlight so reduced that it could only light up the bu tt of the person going in front of you!
Anyway, the exhausted team prepared to head back after two-hour searching.
Meanwhile, the tassels were aware of this, and then they cut off their own tip parts like geckos cut off their tails for survival. The tiny black ends drifted into men’s collars, bags, and stuck upon their sweaty palms as marks. because they would like to wait until midnight to take revenge.





Walking on the dark damp ground made their footsteps sound muffled. Without preparation, they were enveloped in a stinky mist which smelled exactly like human armpit! Seven men covered their noses with hands immediately, but one’s hand trapped by flashlight stripe and he breathed in the air. His cheeks plumped and face turned red. Although trying very hard to hold the breath, he coughed out eventually. The others turned back toward him and put hands over his mouth in a hurry. The chief placed his first finger upon lips with a frowned face to warn them against making noises.

As the search team moved on, the tassels turned with hardly-noticed angles to follow them as if there were eyes on their pointed ends. The one who had just choked earlier paid more attention than others on environment and he suspected the tassels were staring behind their back. But when turning back, he found them stayed untouched.
“I can confirm this if I walk backwards in disguise.” he thought to himself but gave up soon, because he could imagine what they might say ”Don’t be silly! It’s just wind blowing. ” As time went by, neither cheers nor wails burst out, only seven hearts beat in different frequency. Of course, no one could hear the heartbeats bumping against their chests, except the monster.